1958 buick dynaflow, torque tube and rear end for sale

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1958 buick dynaflow, torque tube and rear end for sale

Postby cphoyt » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:07 am

Hello all,

I am putting in a 4 link setup in my 58 wagon and am getting rid of the old torque tube, rear end and transmission.
They are inn the following shape.

torque tube, original new seals (leaks)

rear end same shape

transmission brand new overhaul done by a reputable local dealer. it has 10 miles on it! i put it ina nd didnt like it and am opting for a 700r instead. I am in Southern California . Let me know what its worth and make an offer. If its not worth anything swing by and pick it up.
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Re: 1958 buick dynaflow, torque tube and rear end for sale

Postby JSauve » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:13 pm

Hi..I am lookinng to buy a transmission for my 1958 Buick Century but I need the Dynaflow Flightpitch. Is that what you have for sale? My email is jmbs34470@aol.com.
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Re: 1958 buick dynaflow, torque tube and rear end for sale

Postby 58limited » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:51 pm

The Flight pitch was only standard on the Roadmaster and Limited, it was optional on all other models. As such, the one from the wagon is most likely a variable pitch dynaflow.

Did your Century have the Flight-pitch originally or are you upgrading? To convert to a flight pitch, you will also need a different shift indicator on the dash, a different mounting cross brace, and I've been told the torque tubes are different.
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Re: 1958 buick dynaflow, torque tube and rear end for sale

Postby JSauve » Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:57 pm

I am replacing the one that was in there already, which was a Flightpitch..didnt know there was a difference until i bought a Dynaflow and it didnt fit.
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