as visible in my video in
this post, my speedometer drum is stuck around 60mph. it was at 0mph while parked for a long time, but when i drove it to its current location, it stuck and stayed at its currently location. i was most definitely NOT going 60mph, so the reading is erroneous; however, i suspect it was sticky and 'jumped' to a higher readout due to resistance.
my question is this: has anyone tried to remedy this? i imagine the mechanism is probably spring-loaded to return the drum to zero when not in use... do you think the spring has broken, or has the bearing just gotten stuck?
i have yet to take my dash cluster apart... i like to know ahead of time what i am getting myself into.

1958 MOD. 43
STYLE 58-4439
BODY No. BK2451
TRIM 412
ACC. E (also BFG)